Regulatory Law barristers at Six Pump Court are widely recognised by the legal directories, which list them as leading experts in nine broad practice areas, including consumer law, environment, health & safety and planning. For a full list of the more than twenty recognised individuals and links to their profiles, click here.
Six Pump Court also boasts seventeen members on the Regulatory List of Counsel used by the Health & Safety Executive, the Office of Rail Regulation and the Environment Agency – more than any other chambers.
At the 2021 Chambers UK Bar Awards Six Pump Court Chambers was shortlisted for Health & Safety Set of the Year and was awarded Health & Safety Set of the Year in 2018, having also won it previously in 2013. In 2015, Mark Watson was awarded Health & Safety Junior of the Year.
Regulatory Law barristers at Six Pump Court act for businesses, individuals, regulators, local authorities and other statutory bodies in the full range of regulatory and related work. Between them they handle several hundred regulatory cases each year and they can offer expertise and experience in every field from the most serious cases to the more modest and at a range of fee levels.
Counsels’ understanding of regulatory issues often requires the application of both public and private law (criminal or civil). It may require concurrent proceedings in a variety of tribunals, including the Competition Appeal Tribunal.
Many of the cases undertaken by our regulatory law barristers involve prosecutions in the criminal courts. Because they can handle any aspect of the work which regulatory cases generate, they are often brought in when particular difficulties are likely to arise on issues like forfeiture of the proceeds of crime and disclosure, data protection and freedom of information.
In addition, members of Six Pump Court act in relation to enforcement notices of all types.
We also pursue points of regulatory law in civil damages claims and by way of judicial review (click here for details of our Administrative and Public law work).
Six Pump Court offers strategic advice to enforcement authorities who wish to ensure that proposed enforcement action it is proportionate and, so far as possible, unsusceptible to technical challenge or who wish to ensure that their policies and procedures generally are compliant with the law.
Six Pump Court also offers strategic advice to those facing regulatory action who wish to handle it and any further similar action in an efficient and non-disruptive manner or who wish generally to ensure that their procedures are compliant with the law.
If you are a business or individual wanting to know more about public access direct to members of Six Pump Court, click here.
If you are a professional (other than a lawyer) wanting to know more about licensed access on behalf of your client direct by you to members of Six Pump Court, click here.
Click on the subspecialties on the left side of the page for further information in these areas.
"The ‘phenomenal set’ at Six Pump Court exudes ‘charm, discretion, and confidence’ whilst representing clients involved in health and safety matters, aiding with food and environmental issues. "
― Legal 500 [2022]
"Six Pump Court is a 'very helpful and efficient' set with a broad spectrum of cases across the consumer law field. The 'really smart barristers' are particularly sought after for their 'prominence in health and safety' and food law, and their 'in-depth knowledge' of the corresponding regulation. "
― Legal 500 [2022]
“The best regulatory set in the country, without a doubt!”
― Legal 500 [2022]
“Six Pump Court is ‘a very strong health and safety set doing a combination of both prosecution and defence work’. The chambers has ‘strength in depth’ and ‘a wide skill set across the regulatory field’ where individual members have specific expertise in matters such as health and safety, environment and inquiries”.
― Chambers UK Bar Guide [2019]
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Major retailer fined in rat infestation case – Noémi Byrd and Doug Scott represented Somerset Council
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‘Back to the future’ The proposed approach to legal regulation of Artificial Intelligence in the UK
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Appeal against closure of care home dismissed due to potential exposure of residents to ongoing risk of serious harm
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Directors jailed after five deaths and offenders ordered to pay more than £2 million
Pascal Bates led for the prosecution after a falling wall in a Birmingham scrapyard killed five workers, badly injured a sixth and could have killed another three.
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Stuart Jessop has represented the London Borough of Waltham Forest before the First Tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) in an appeal against the service of an improvement notice under the Food Information Regulations 2014.
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Amey Rail Limited (ARL) has been fined £533,000 after pleading guilty to an offence under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, which followed an investigation and prosecution by industry regulator the Office of Rail and Road (ORR).
Festival licence appeal refused after police concerns raised
An application for a licence to cover a annually recurring four-day music festival at Great Lines Heritage Park, Kent has been refused after Kent Police raised concerns over traffic management plans and the effects on crime and disorder.
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Three members of Six Pump Court appear in one of The Lawyer’s Top 10 Appeals of 2023
At this week’s ground-breaking sitting of the Supreme Court in Manchester, three members of Six Pump Court Chambers appeared in the first case to be listed. The case raises topical issues of fundamental importance in relation to the operation of the sewerage system in England and Wales and the liability of undertakers for polluting discharges.
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Environmental Law Hybrid Conference – 3rd December 2021
Six Pump Court is pleased to announce our first full day Environmental Law Conference, bringing together specialist counsel with leading external speakers to cover a range of topical environmental issues.
International Arbitration Webinar – Arbitrating under the ICC Rules
Members of Six Pump Court listed on the ICC UK Arbitrator Database will be joined by guest speaker Iain Quirk QC.
UKELA Conference 14 -18 June
We are delighted to be one of the sponsors once again at this year's event. Members of Six Pump Court will be taking part and presenting some of the sessions.
Solar Salt Projects in Africa – A discussion of the key environmental & legal issues
The next webinar in our international arbitration series will be held on Friday 28th May.
Webinar: Covid-19 and the law relating to food – protecting the health and safety of consumers
On Wednesday 16th September at 4.30pm the Health & Safety Lawyers Association and Six Pump Court will host a webinar entitled "Covid-19 and the law relating to food – protecting the health and safety of consumers".
Webinar: Piercing the Corporate Veil: the Principle of ‘Separate Legal Personality’
Six Pump Court Chambers is delighted to be able to host a re-run of our very popular ‘Piercing the Corporate Veil’ seminar as part of our series of 2020 webinars.
Piercing the Corporate Veil: The Principle of ‘Separate Legal Personality’
Six Pump Court presents the third in our series of Environmental Law Seminars to be held this year.
Company Directors and Environmental Responsibilities
Six Pump Court presents the second in our series of Environmental Law Seminars to be held this year.
Private Nuisance: Key Contemporary Issues or “Bringing Home the Bacon”
Six Pump Court, together with UKELA Eastern Region presents an environmental seminar - Private Nuisance: Key Contemporary Issues.
Friday 13th July – Regulatory Law Conference 2018 (Birmingham)
Six Pump Court will present a Regulatory and Planning Law Conference to be held on 13th July in Birmingham.
Monday 4th June – CTSI Symposium
David Travers QC and Laura Phillips will present a mini-theatre session on 4th June entitled Consumer product information - Caveat venditor, caveat emptor and the role of the regulator.
Regulatory and Planning Law Conference 2017 (Leeds)
Six Pump Court presents a Regulatory and Planning Law Conference to be held on 20th November in Leeds.
The event will cover a variety of topics providing essential updates on specialist areas, informative discussion on topical issues and practical tips for regulators and for those who represent the regulated.
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Private Nuisance Litigation Masterclass
Our series of Masterclass Environmental Law Seminars continues next month with a second seminar, Private Nuisance Litigation Masterclass to be held on 11th July.
Environmental Law News Update
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, Doug Scott and Amy Taylor consider plans for Ofwat to take action on water companies paying dividends whilst failing to meet performance standards and the potential impact of the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill on environmental legislation.
Environmental Law News Update
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, William Upton KC, Christopher Badger and Amy Taylor consider coal mines and climate change, reinvestment of water company fines into environmental improvements and the government’s new measures to tackle rising energy bills.
Environmental Law News Update
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, William Upton KC, Christopher Badger and Doug Scott consider the Autumn Statement, the Environment Agency and Ofwat’s investigations into water companies and new DEFRA guidance on conservation covenants.
Environmental Law News Update
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, Christopher Badger and Doug Scott consider a Court of Appeal case clarifying the sentencing of Directors convicted of environmental offences, action from the advertising authorities on misleading green adverts and some optimism from the Head of the Environment Agency.
October – November climate roundup : LURB Committee Stage highlights, a refusal, and a consent
Our latest climate law blog considers the proposed new climate clauses in the LURB, and recent local and national planning decisions involving emissions reduction targets. With COP27 in the news, the contrast between international aspirations and domestic realities is more than usually evident.
Environmental Law News Update
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, Gordon Wignall, Doug Scott and Amy Taylor consider moves by UK regulators on greenwashing claims, definitions of Gypsies and Travellers in planning policy and missed deadlines for providing legally binding environmental targets in the UK.
Environmental Law News Update
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, William Upton KC, Mark Davies and Doug Scott consider the duties required of the Environment Agency under the Habitats Regulations, the results of a crackdown on waste crime in Lincolnshire and evidence that tuna stocks are recovering in marine protected areas.
Environmental Law News Update
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, William Upton KC, Noémi Byrd, Natasha Hausdorff and James Harrison consider how the Government’s Net Zero Review, its revised Net Zero Strategy and response to the CCC Progress Report will interact, increases in civil penalties faced by polluting water companies, and the tough line being taken by the Environment Agency against illegal fishing.
Environmental Law News Update
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, Charles Morgan, Brendon Moorhouse and Natasha Hausdorff consider DEFRA's plan for storm overflows, water discharge permits in the Hinkley C Appeal, and how companies can improve their ESG data for effective decision-making.
Environmental Law News Update
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, Charles Morgan, Gordon Wignall and Christopher Badger consider toxic algae in Lake Windermere, challenging an environmental regulatory notice by way of a judicial review rather than statutory appeal and, two recent Environment Agency enforcement cases.
Environmental Law News Update
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, Christopher Badger considers a review by DEFRA of the OEP, the publication of a Strategic Framework for a net zero energy system and an Interpol report on organised crime and links to pollution crime.
Environmental Law News Update
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, Charles Morgan, Gordon Wignall and Nicholas Ostrowski consider the measures being undertaken by the government and water companies to mitigate the effects of drought in the UK, a report into global trends in climate change litigation, and a successful challenge to the government’s net zero strategy.
Environmental Law News Update: Feb 16, 2022
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, William Upton QC, Charles Morgan and Christopher Badger consider the UK's national reporting requirements for disclosure of climate change risks, a European study of the impact of Brexit on fisheries and aquaculture and an interesting decision on water rights in Mauritius.
Environmental Law News Update: Feb 07, 2022
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, Charles Morgan, Christopher Badger, Natasha Hausdorff and William McBarnet consider the dangers of overstating environmental virtues in advertising, more on the OEP’s strategy and enforcement policy and Environment Agency changes to attendance requirements for technically competent managers.
Environmental Law News Update: Jan 26, 2022
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, Gordon Wignall, Brendon Moorhouse, Christopher Badger and James Harrison consider a successful appeal by the Environment Agency in the Walleys Quarry litigation, draft documents issued by the new Office of Environmental Protection and the launch of a new consultation into the implementation of the biodiversity net gain (BNG) provisions for planning purposes.
Environmental Law News Update: Jan 19, 2022
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, William Upton QC, Christopher Badger and Natasha Hausdorff consider a new government report on the climate risks facing the UK, the state of England's rivers and the extension of climate-related disclosure requirements by the FCA.
Environmental Law News Update: Jan 10, 2022
In our first Environmental Law News Update of 2022, Christopher Badger, Mark Davies and James Harrison consider some environmental law predictions for the year ahead, climate compatibility checkpoint tests for oil and gas, and an agreement between the UK and Norway on fishing access and quotas.
Environmental Law News Update
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, Charles Morgan, Christopher Badger and Mark Davies consider the post-Trump US environmental agenda, how we did with our predictions for 2021 and some festive musical musings on waste.
Environmental Law News Update
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, Christopher Badger, Nicholas Ostrowski and James Harrison consider progress made at COP26, a major investigation into sewage treatment works by Ofwat and the EA, and provide a short summary of the new Environment Act.
Environmental Law News Update
In this latest Environmental Law News Update, Charles Morgan, Gordon Wignall and Brendon Moorhouse consider sewage discharges from overflows, the role of the Human Rights Act in the Silverdale Quarry case, and the need for climate policy to be built into the planning process.
Environmental Law News Podcast – April 2023
In this podcast produced by Lexis PSL, Christopher Badger and Mark Davies look at progress made under the 25 Year Environment Plan, publication of the Green Finance Strategy and more Environment Act 2021 Commencement Regulations.
Environmental Law News Podcast – October 2022
In this episode Christopher Badger and Mark Davies look at potential new fines of up to £250 million for polluting water companies; the government's designation of Defra as an economic growth department; and new guidance for the packaging waste industry.
Environmental Law News Podcast – July 2022
In this podcast produced by Lexis PSL, Christopher Badger and Mark Davies look at recent planning decisions concerning exploratory digging for fracking; the Office for Environmental Protection’s (OEP) strategy and enforcement policy; and the Environment Agency’s (EA) Regulatory Statement.
Environmental Law News Podcast – April 2022
In this podcast produced by Lexis PSL, Christopher Badger and Mark Davies discuss recent developments including the Office for Environmental Protection's (OEP) consultation on strategy and enforcement policy, the Spring Statement and green claims in advertising.
Environmental Law News Podcast – November 2021
In this podcast produced by Lexis PSL, Christopher Badger and Mark Davies discuss some of the key developments over the previous month including COP26, the Silverdale Quarry case and climate issues for local councils.
Environmental Law Podcast – August 2021
In this latest monthly environmental law news podcast produced by Lexis PSL, Christopher Badger and Mark Davies discuss Southern Water’s record £90 million fine, the judgment in Valero Logistics UK Ltd v Plymouth City Council, and the UK Innovation Strategy and the potential for the precautionary principle to be revisited.
Environmental Law Podcast – July 2021
Following the pandemic induced hiatus to the podcast series, we are delighted to bring you a new edition of this podcast presented by Christopher Badger and Mark Davies in association with LexisPSL.
Environmental Law Podcast – May 2020
This month the Podcast partners with the UK Environmental Law Association (UKELA), to bring you a COVID-19 special where we hear from environmental regulators on how the pandemic is affecting operations.
Environmental Law Podcast – February 2020
In this latest monthly environmental law news podcast in association with LexisPSL, Christopher Badger and Mark Davies discuss in some depth certain key aspects of the Environment Bill, which was reintroduced to parliament on 30 January 2020.
Environmental Law Podcast – January 2020
The first environmental law news podcast of 2020 presented by Christopher Badger and Mark Davies in association with LexisPSL covers predictions for hot topics in environmental law in 2020, Urgenda’s success in the Dutch Supreme Court, and the Upper Tribunal’s decision in the ongoing ‘fluff’ litigation.
Environmental Law Podcast – December 2019
In our final environmental law news podcast of 2019 presented by Christopher Badger and Mark Davies discuss the relationship between requests for disclosure under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and legal professional privilege, the Committee on Climate Change’s (CCC) most recent call for evidence, and the latest EU developments on green finance.
Environmental Law Podcast – November 2019
n our latest monthly environmental law news podcast Christopher Badger and Mark Davies discuss the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) feedback statement, following discussion paper on ‘Climate Change and Green Finance’, the Environment Agency’s pollution statistics for 2018, and whether nuisance might play a role in contemporary environmental concerns.
Environmental Law Podcast – October 2019
n our monthly environmental law news podcast Mark Davies discusses the publication of the Environment Bill, Environment Agency aims to become net carbon zero by 2030, and new requirements for applicants for certain bespoke permits to carry out risk assessments on adapting to climate change.
Environmental Law Podcast – September 2019
The latest monthly environmental law news podcast presented by Christopher Badger in association with LexisPSL, is now available.
Environmental Law Podcast – August 2019
The latest monthly environmental law news podcast presented by Christopher Badger and Mark Davies in association with LexisPSL, is now available.
Environmental Law Podcast – June 2019
The latest monthly environmental law news podcast presented by Christopher Badger and Mark Davies in association with LexisPSL, is now available.
Environmental Law Podcast – May 2019
The latest monthly environmental law news podcast presented by Charles Morgan and Christopher Badger in association with LexisPSL, is now available.
Environmental Law Podcast – April 2019
The latest monthly environmental law news podcast presented by Christopher Badger and Mark Davies in association with LexisPSL, is now available.
Environmental Law Podcast – March 2019
The latest monthly environmental law news podcast presented by Christopher Badger and Mark Davies in association with LexisPSL, is now available.
Environmental Law Podcast – February 2019
The latest monthly environmental law news podcast presented by Christopher Badger and Mark Davies in association with LexisPSL, is now available.