This is a core area of chambers’ work. Notably, Grace Cullen acted for the local authority Respondent in the case of Arya v Waltham Forest District Council in which a primary school teacher dismissed on grounds including the making of anti-Semitic comments attempted to argue that his belief about the merits of Judaism was ‘philosophical’ for the purposes of anti-discrimination legislation. Further, she also acted for the claimant in the case of Roche v London Fire and Emergency Authority who, having developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder linked to his experiences as a fire officer in the 2005 London bombings, brought a claim for disability discrimination.
Typical of the complex race discrimination work that Gordon Menzies does is Dominque v Broomfield School; a recent claim brought against a school involving numerous allegations of discrimination extending over a long period of time. He also has a strong focus on disability discrimination. Nicholas Baldock has recently been involved in complex age discrimination work.
Ian Rees Phillips has a particular interest in this type of work and Ian’s recent experience includes discrimination issues that may arise in the context of the recruitment sector. Thazia Khan has worked on cases involving migrant domestic workers where issues of discrimination as well as potential breaches of National Minimum Wage Regulations were at issue.