Chambers is committed to the principle of equality of opportunity without discrimination.
We are committed to the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion (‘EDI’) amongst all our members and staff.
In relation to all our recruitment exercises, we encourage and welcome applications from women, people of minority ethnic origin and people with disabilities, as well as candidates from other groups which are underrepresented in the legal sector.
Our EDI policies and procedures are intended to support and facilitate our underlying commitment on a day to day basis. A copy of Chambers’ overarching Equality and Diversity Policy may be viewed here
An Equality and Diversity Officer and a Diversity Data Officer are appointed in Chambers. Lee Bennett is our Equality and Diversity Officer and Joanne Ashby is our Diversity Data Officer.
We also have a Steering Group set up to further consider and review EDI matters including, amongst others, race and the position of women at the Bar and in Chambers.
We recognise that to ensure the effective implementation of our policies and to realise an equal, diverse and inclusive workplace in Chambers we must all work to that end.
We also recognise that the Bar needs to make better progress in encouraging people from diverse backgrounds to enter the profession. Members of Chambers accept this as a responsibility we can all commit to.
Regularly monitoring diversity data is one tool we use. In accordance with the Bar Standards Board Handbook, we collect and publish the results of our diversity data monitoring exercises. The data we last collected on our Chambers is available (in anonymised form) here.
Anti-racist statement
The members and staff of Six Pump Court are committed to being an anti-racist organisation.
We accept that racism and its effects can happen at any time in any organisation, even amongst those with good intentions, and that measures need to be taken to guard against it.
Consequently, we have adopted an Anti-racist statement which may be read here
The health and wellbeing of our members and staff is important. To that end, we maintain a wellbeing and assistance programme for all members and staff which provides independent support if ever needed. We also operate a mentoring scheme for members.
If for any reason you have a concern about Chambers’ provision with regard to equality, diversity or inclusion please bring it to the attention of the Equality and Diversity Officer, the Diversity Data Officer or the Senior Clerk in the first instance for immediate attention.