Company Directors and Environmental Responsibilities
28th February 2019
Six Pump Court presents the second in our series of Environmental Law Seminars to be held this year.
Thursday 28th February – Company Directors and Environmental Responsibilities
This seminar aims to examine the legal requirements placed on Directors in respect of the environment, in particular the extent to which Directors must have regard to the environment in the execution of their duties and the extent to which any duties can be delegated. The seminar will also look at growing trends in the regulatory landscape and how it is anticipated that the duties on Directors will develop in the near future.
- Legal duties placed on Directors
- Delegation of responsibilities
- Available guidance/case-law on s.172 CA 2006
- Corporate reports
- Current trends and developments
Further detail on the content of the seminar is provided in the attached flyer
Speakers: Stephen Hockman QC, Charles Morgan and Christopher Badger
Date/Venue: Thursday 28th February 2019 4.30-6.30pm (tea/coffee available from 4.15pm) at Six Pump Court Chambers. Drinks and canapés to follow.
Cost: £35 per person, with second and subsequent bookings from your firm/ organisation charged at a reduced rate of £20 per person.
Enquiries: Contact Bridget Tough 020 7797 8456