Webinar: Piercing the Corporate Veil: the Principle of ‘Separate Legal Personality’
17th June 2020

Please contact Bridget Tough (bridget.tough@6pumpcourt.co.uk) for copies of the slides and/or the recording
Six Pump Court Chambers is delighted to be able to host a re-run of our very popular ‘Piercing the Corporate Veil’ seminar as part of our series of 2020 webinars.
WEBINAR Wednesday 17th June 2020 at 4.30pm – Piercing the Corporate Veil: The Principle of ‘Separate Legal Personality’
Speakers: Stephen Hockman QC (Chair), Charles Morgan, Gordon Wignall and Christopher Badger
To examine the current legal trends that identify when it may be appropriate for a court to put to one side the long-standing principle of separate legal personality and impose a liability or a penalty on a parent company or other linked organisation.
• The meaning and rationale of the corporate veil
• Judicial consideration of the principle of limited liability
• Duties on directors
• Contract and agency
• Liability in tort
• Criminal liability of corporates
• Criminal liability of directors
• Recent judicial decisions on separate legal personality
• Defining a credible objective approach to the potential liability of a parent organisation
This webinar will last approximately one hour.
To register for this webinar please contact Bridget Tough (bridget.tough@6pumpcourt.co.uk)