Tanya Robinson
Call: 1997
Direct access

Tanya Robinson has an established criminal practice prosecuting and defending at the highest level. She also specialises in coroner’s work and regulatory law and is often instructed to act at an inquest following a fatality and then at any connected criminal or disciplinary proceedings.

Tanya is a highly persuasive and effective advocate. She has particular expertise in the handling of highly vulnerable witnesses and defendants, including those who require the assistance of an intermediary, as well as cross-examining those with mental health issues or the very young. She is well used to dealing with the pressures of sensitive and demanding cases.

Tanya is totally committed and always goes the extra mile to get the best result for her clients.

Inquests & Inquiries

Tanya has an extensive Coroners’ Court practice. She is instructed by families of the deceased to ensure that their concerns are heard and any steps to avoid future deaths are properly addressed at the inquest or afterwards by way of a Prevention of Future Deaths Report. Tanya also acts for those criticised following a death. She provides strategic and expert representation for interested persons, ensuring that their interests are properly and effectively represented during the inquisitorial process. Tanya has substantial experience in challenging and presenting complex expert evidence, sensitive witness handling, and addressing the Coroner on complex issues as to inquest scope, conclusions and human rights issues both orally and in writing. She regularly acts for the police in Article 2 inquests held with a jury following a death in custody, excessive restraint, suicide, police shooting, and RTA’s including police pursuit with multiple fatalities. She represents nursing and care homes following deaths in care or assisted housing, and those who have been involved in workplace accidents leading to a death. Tanya also provides written, in person, or remote advice on preparing for an inquest and the gathering or service of evidence in response to requests from the Coroner.


Tanya has a substantial criminal practice, defending and prosecuting those charged with serious violence including murder and conspiracy to murder, gross negligence manslaughter, serious cruelty (including baby shaking and fracture cases), serious violence (including medical, pathological and blood spatter evidence), arson (including detailed forensic evidence), fraud, firearms (including expert ballistics/firearms evidence), serious drugs (including detailed tachograph opinion and cellsite/telephone evidence) and serious sexual offences (including the cross- examination of vulnerable witnesses, multi-complainant/historic allegations both as leading and junior counsel, familial and stranger rape, diagnostic/non-diagnostic medical evidence, complex computer evidence, sexsomnia, the use of intermediaries and abuse of process).

She has obtained stays in very old sexual abuse cases following successful abuse of process arguments. She is a Grade 4 Prosecutor and is on the specialist panel for Rape and Serious Sexual Offences work (RASSO).


Tanya has prosecuted and defended companies, other organisations and individuals for health & safety offences and advises clients in relation to health & safety issues, corporate manslaughter and gross negligence manslaughter.

Tanya prosecuted, as a led junior, a 79 year old defendant accused of gross negligence manslaughter due to his neglect of his wife in the days leading up to her death. She acted for a care home manager prosecuted for breaches of health and safety following the death of a 93 year old resident who suffered with dementia, who sustained first degree burns to her legs after being scalded in a bath. The company, prosecuted for corporate manslaughter, was guilty of cost cutting and falsified records after the event and sought to blame matters on the Care Home Manager. The company received fines of over £1m. The care home manager received a suspended sentence. Tanya was subsequently instructed to act for her at the subsequent Nursing and Midwifery Council proceedings.

Tanya has also drafted successful representations to the Disclosure Barring Service persuading the Service not to bar her clients from working with vulnerable adults or children following their convictions.

Following a return from maternity leave Tanya drafted Ofgem’s Enforcement Guidelines, which were published in September 2014 following consultation with stakeholders. The Guidelines set out the approach that Ofgem would take to enforcing relevant legislation when regulating the gas and electricity markets in Great Britain. They remain in force appropriately updated.


"She is an extremely competent barrister and a very effective advocate. She is very well-prepared, thorough and fights the client's corner in a very pleasant and attractive way."

― Chambers UK Bar Guide [2025]

"Tanya is an excellent advocate. She is always meticulously well prepared. Her legal submissions, both oral and written, are focused and persuasive. She fights her corner hard without ever being discourteous to witnesses or the Court. Tanya has the ability to have a jury eating out of her hand, however difficult and serious the case."

― Legal 500 [2025]

"Tanya is a robust advocate who will leave no stone unturned. Her advocacy is assured and powerful."

― Legal 500 [2025]

Notable Cases


CH Currently instructed by the police in respect of the death of a female who overdosed shortly after her release from prison. Found dead at an address with her ex-boyfriend who was on police bail to stay away from her after domestic violence. Police attended her address shortly before the death but did not gain access to check on her wellbeing.

EM Currently instructed by the police in respect of the death of a teenager who hanged herself at home after attending in distress outside a police station to allege abusive behaviour by her stepfather. Police had not attended the scene to speak to her before her mother removed her to take her home.

AC Currently instructed by the police in respect of the death of a suicidal male from overdose following probation notifying the police that he needed to be arrested to be recalled back to prison and that he was a suicide risk.

TE Male stopped by the police at the Medway services because of his family’s concerns about his suicidal intentions. Welfare check completed and TE was allowed on his way. The next day he stepped in front of lorry in Kent and died instantly. Representing the Police who were not criticised for their actions in respect of TE. No Prevention of Future Deaths reports made.

LS Inquest into the death of a mother stabbed to death by her son who suffered with paranoid schizophrenia but whose care was poorly managed in the community. The family criticised his management in the community and the police’s response to various escalating incidents in the lead up to the stabbing. Acting for the Police who were not criticised in the narrative conclusion. The son, who had been found unfit to plead at the first criminal trial in the Crown Court, is now expected to face a further trial for murder or manslaughter, if his mental health is found to have sufficiently improved. Click here and here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-54541732

TH A male who had a history of psychotic behaviour presented at a hospital, hearing voices, and asked to be admitted to a mental health hospital. He left the hospital not having been supervised properly awaiting assessment and later stepped into the road into collision with a car. Represented the police who faced potential criticism over their response to the missing person report. No criticism of police in the narrative conclusion and no Prevention of Future Deaths Report against the police.

JOR Represented a prison officer (OSG) who had failed to carry out proper checks on the prisoners, one of whom hanged himself overnight. Other failings alleged against the prison and mental health teams. The OSG’s actions were not found to be causative of the death.

B Represented a self-employed window fitter whose worker fell to his death off a roof. The HSE awaited the conclusion of the inquest to decide whether to prosecute for H&S breaches. Guided the client through the process. Advised on the privilege against self-incrimination. Effectively cross-examined the HSE expert and made successful submissions to limit the introduction of H&S matters outside the proper ambit of the inquest. Accidental death conclusion. No Prevention of Future Deaths Report. Criminal prosecution avoided.

MA Represented a care home facing criticism after an 87-year-old woman was released home after respite care, only to die a few days later. Issues as to the quality of care she received and the role or failures of her other care providers. Made successful submissions to limit the inquest scope following cross-examination of the pathologist. No criticism of the home in the narrative conclusion.

TM Represented the fiancé and family of TM killed when struck by a piece of falling wood from the roof of a shopping centre during Storm Doris. Managed distressing press intrusion. Effectively cross-examined the owners and managing agents of the shopping centre who had failed to properly maintain structures on the roof. The failures drawn out in questioning before the jury appeared in their narrative conclusion and formed the basis of a significant Prevention of Future Deaths Report. Click here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-41528141 and

https://news.sky.com/story/storm-doris-woman-killed-in-wolverhampton-named-as-tahnie-martin-  10779972.

MW Represented the wife of MW who jumped to his death from the board room at his office in Leverkusen after being repeatedly rejected for new roles after redundancy. He had expressed suicidal thoughts to his superiors which were not taken seriously. Case called for robust cross-examination of company witnesses to seek answers about how and why they had ignored the signs that her husband was a risk to himself and to explore Prevention of Future Death issues. Click here for News Report.

G Represented St John’s Ambulance volunteers called to assist a male suspected of drug-taking at a festival. Careful witness handling and cross-examination of medical experts as to the care given, whether it ought to have been obvious that he needed emergency treatment and when the man passed the point of no return medically. No criticism of the St John’s Ambulance, Click here

MC Acted on behalf of a Stunt Company at an inquest into the death of a stunt performer who died whilst acting as a “human cannonball” stuntman at a Kent County Showground. He suffered a fatal accident when a safety net intended to break his fall, collapsed. The case resulted in an accidental death verdict. Also acted in the criminal proceedings against the director which resulted in a suspended sentence. Click here for BBC News Report. Click here for article in The Daily Telegraph

PP Representing England’s largest not-for-profit housing association and registered charity, at an inquest into the death of a care home resident with dementia, who died after she set fire to her clothing when smoking unsupervised in her room late at night. Her care plan required any smoking to be supervised. Click here

JM Inquest into the death of a man taken to hospital for psychiatric assessment who suffered asphyxiation after officers restrained him during a violent struggle. Acted for the police who were not criticised in the jury’s conclusions.

AS Inquest into the death of a woman who was shot by a firearms officer following a standoff in a town centre. She was brandishing what turned out to be a pellet gun. Acted for the police. Issues as to the operation and command of the incident and use of firearms or less lethal options. Believed to be a suicide by cop case. Conclusion of lawful killing returned by the jury.


R v K Led junior prosecuting a conspiracy to rob and murder trial. The defendants stabbed a drug dealer’s driver after an ambush attack. Successfully prosecuted two co-defendants (S and H) who were convicted of conspiracy to rob and manslaughter in May 2023 and were sentenced to 13 and 10 years respectively. The stabber (Q) returned from Pakistan and was convicted in April 2024 of conspiracy to rob and murder. He received a life sentence with a minimum term of 30 years. K, believed to be Q’s boss, is due to face trial in January 2025 having also now returned from Pakistan. See: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx9py2w4yk0o and https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cl5k153llwpo and https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/murderers-chilling-reaction-hes-sentenced-32680901.

R v JBA Currently instructed in a high risk domestic violence honour based prosecution in which the complainant, who followed her husband here from India following an arranged marriage, complains of multiple rapes, strangulation, coercive and controlling behaviour including threats to send explicit pictures of her to her family in India if she does not kill herself, and being watched and controlled by her husband’s friend and his wife. Case also involves alleged multiple attempts to pervert the course of justice by threats being made against the complainant and her family in India. Listed for trial in November 2025.

R v LM Currently instructed as a led junior in a fraud case involving fraud by abuse of position and by false representations. Alleged that the defendant operated a foreign exchange trading investment scheme, whilst unauthorised, attracting investment of in excess of £2.67m. When trading was stopped by the FCA money owed to investors was approximately £1.9m. Based on the false profits, it is said to be £3.7m. Trial is fixed for 8 weeks in August 2026.

R v KH, WO, SS and CS Prosecuted 4 defendants accused of kidnap, false imprisonment and robbery. The defendants were accused of following a vulnerable male back to his home where they bundle him in, assaulted him with weapons and ransacked his house before making off with his money. The three younger men (under 18) then falsely imprisoned and tortured another male a few days later, stripping him naked and tortured him by setting fire to his private parts, pouring burning water from a kettle on him, stabbing him to the body with a knife, while recording the events and further humiliating him by making him dance naked. Tho three guilty of the worst offending were sentenced to a total across the three of extended sentences of 44 years and 9 months on pleading guilty. The older defendant, who only faced one count of false imprisonment, received 5 years and 3 months on a plea.

R v RL, CA, CA and SJ Prosecuted as a led junior 3 defendants accused of conspiring to murder or commit GBH against two men, and a fourth defendant accused of supplying the firearm to be used in the murder which was a revenge attack. Additional firearms and drugs offences also alleged. Substantial and sensitive disclosure issues including the disclosure of material by an approved form of words, prosecution applications upheld asserting Public Interest Immunity. Junior counsel heavily involved in the disclosure in the case. Following the successful PII argument, acceptable guilty pleas from the defendants were entered.

R v SA Successfully prosecuted a male accused of raping and sexually assaulting the daughters of his ex partner 20 years ago. The Defence alleged that it was a malicious allegation stirred up by the mother. Sentenced to a 17 year extended sentence.

R v SF Successfully prosecuted a “devil man” accused of historical knifepoint rapes of a child committed when he was 14 to 20 years old. The victim had hugely complex mental health issues and PTSD and was pre-recorded being cross-examined using an intermediary. Resisted Defence attempts to adduce evidence of subsequent rape/violence allegations against her husband. Convicted on all counts. Successfully resisted an appeal against conviction in the Court of Appeal. 18 years’ imprisonment reduced to 16 years on appeal against sentence. See: https://news.sky.com/story/kent-man-jailed-after-subjecting-child-to-terrifying- campaign-of-sexual-abuse-in-1990s-13054445; https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/stefan-farbrother-paedophile-abuse-kent-b2483149.html; https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/25453907/paedo-jail-rape-child-sevenoaks- knifepoint-tattoos/; https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12992551/Heavily-tattooed-paedophile- child-sexual-abuse-rape-violence-jailed.html; https://www.kentonline.co.uk/sevenoaks/news/sex-abuse-trial-told-to-ignore-defendant-s-striking-appeara-294671/

R v M Successfully prosecuted a man accused of Prison Act offences who was found in possession of multiple lethal weapons in his cell, including crudely constructed slashing and stabbing weapons, as well as mobile phones. The defendant claimed to have been holding them under duress. Click here

RC Defending a 21 year old man accused of raping and digitally penetrating a vulnerable 16 year old girl with communication difficulties, autism, UBPD, and depression. Cross-examined using the section 28 pre-recorded procedure and an intermediary. Defendant acquitted.

JW Defending a man accused of abduction and sexual assault on a 13 year old girl who ran away from home to commit suicide by throwing herself in front of a train. The complainant said she had gone with him because she was scared and he had spoken inappropriately and sexually towards her and had touched her sexually. The defendant said he had taken her home to prevent her from killing herself and planned to make her go home the next day when he could contact her mother. Defendant acquitted.

PJ Having successfully overturned the defendant’s conviction in the Court of Appeal with fresh evidence from a witness that the police had claimed to be unable to find, the defendant was then acquitted at his retrial in respect of a stranger rape in a portaloo at a festival. See: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-60791126; https://crimeline.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/ewca_crim_2023_445-1.pdf

WC Defended a 40 year old man accused of rape, assault by penetration using sex toys, sexual assault and removing her clothes when she was unconscious, inciting a child (under 16) to engage in sexual activity not believing she was 16 or over and administering drink and drugs with intent to stupefy, a 14 year old school girl. The case involved highly incriminating DNA evidence of his and hers on the sex toys and toxicology evidence showing very high levels of alcohol and antihistamines (causing drowsiness). The complainant said she went to his flat in fear, was given drinks, was sexually touched and then passed out, waking up naked with pain in her private parts. She ran out highly distressed to find help. The defendant said she had approached him offering sex for money and he believed she was an adult prostitute, and that she had made this up in anger because he had not paid her and in fear of being in trouble at home. He denied any use of the sex toys or any drugs (although some of a similar kind were found at his address). Defendant acquitted of all counts bar the rape. Sentenced on the basis that there had or may have been consensual activity up to the point of the sex when she was too drunk to consent. Currently appealing the rape conviction.

R v LG Defended a young man charged with the violent robbery of a taxi driver, threatening his brother with a bladed article and possession of drugs, as well as violent disorder as part of mass unrest in the centre of Maidstone after England lost the 2020 Euro game against Italy (on a separate indictment). Negotiated a plea to section 20 (GBH) on the robbery (he accepted assaulted the driver after he ran over his foot but denied taking his mobile). Also negotiated a plea to a lesser section 4 public order offence instead of violent disorder. The defendant was sentenced having spent less than 9 months on remand and received a suspended sentence order with conditions.

R v ICL Defended one of two defendants accused of sequentially raping an unconscious woman on the beach at Brighton after clubbing. He admitted sex and said she consented to him. Eyewitnesses claimed to see a woman “out of it on the beach” being raped. Defendant acquitted.

R v NR Represented a defendant who pleaded guilty to possession/making indecent images of children and the distribution of indecent images of children including those of the highest category. Defendant engaged in text conversations with an undercover police officer appearing to discuss the abuse of children. Sentenced to a suspended sentence order with conditions.

R v IS Represented a school teacher who pleaded guilty to possession of indecent images and the distribution of indecent images of children including those of the highest category. The defendant had discussed with another male his own son and sent photographs of him (albeit not indecent ones). Sentenced to a suspended sentence order with conditions.

R v KM Successfully defended a male accused of historical sexual offences against a 5 to 8 year old girl while babysitting 24 years ago. C had complex mental health issues and had made inconsistent allegations over the years including alleging rape but then not remembering it. Successful submission of no case to answer made at half time. Defendant acquitted.

R v DT Defended an NHS worker accused of defrauding her elderly housemate of money by using her credit cards and online accounts to make purchases. Drafted a very detailed Defence Statement setting out the defendant’s case that the complainant was a shopaholic and was seeking to hide her purchases from her children by blaming the defendant for spending that was not all hers. Pressed relentlessly for full disclosure of records from Amazon, PayPal, Hochanda and similar online organisations  in order to be able to show that the items were not hers. The Crown eventually dropped the case.

R v WM Successfully defended on a Direct Access basis a defendant accused of stalking his ex girlfriend over a 6 month period. Deployed thousands of messages between them in a cross-examination over three days to meticulously take apart her account and expose her lies about the defendant. Quick acquittal by the jury. Counsel obtained wasted costs from the CPS for disclosure failures.

R v KB Successfully defendant a gay defendant accused of sexual assault and anal rape of a heterosexual male (C) said to be too drunk to consent. C had complex mental health issues suffering high functioning autism and had a history of multiple serious suicidal attempts. Obtained permission to explore crucial evidence about C’s sexuality and past. In the face of real difficulties as to C’s capacity (could hardly walk/vomiting), the jury acquitted.

R v SH Defended an 18 year old accused of rape/oral rape of his 19 year old cousin-by-marriage. The case required sensitive by robust cross-examination of the complainant. She was a past victim of sexual assault by another but had come onto the defendant and then cried rape when he said he would have to tell his girlfriend. Defendant acquitted.

R v OA Successfully defended a restaurant owner accused of sexually assaulting and harassing his staff. Resisted an application to adduce the evidence of a missing complainant by way of hearsay. Then persuaded the trial judge to stay the entire prosecution as an abuse of the process of the court, given the absence of the crucial witness who the defendant believed had orchestrated all of the allegations against him.

R v H Defended a father accused of causing grievous bodily harm with intent (section 18) by breaking his three-month-old baby daughter’s arm baby and cruelty relating to other old injuries found. Acquitted of section 18 offence and cruelty. Convicted of the lesser offence under section 20 (inflicting GBH) and received a suspended sentence. The case involved detailed cross-examination of expert medical witnesses called by the prosecution.

R v AG Successfully defended a karate instructor and ex-police officer accused of raping and sexually assaulting a pupil.

R v TE Successfully defended mother of two accused of glassing her ex-partner’s new girlfriend (s18) in front of witnesses.

R v JH Successfully defended a 21 year old lifeguard who was accused of sexually assaulting a younger colleague from work. The Defence case was that the complainant had made a pass at the defendant which had been rebuffed and she had concocted the allegation out of spite.

R v MO Successfully defended a young man accused of raping and sexually assaulting a friend who claimed to have become pregnant as a result. The defendant admitted having consensual rough sexual play with the girl but denied having sex and said that the girl was into rough play and they had engaged in this previously. The defence won important arguments to be permitted to cross-examine on past sexual history and to call evidence of the girl’s general reputation for untruthfulness. The jury were persuaded that any pregnancy that there had been (terminated but no DNA testing was done) was not caused by him.

R v S Leading counsel defending a man accused of sexually assaulting six young complainants who were the friends of his son. Acquitted on over half of the counts.

R v C Defended a doctor accused of sexually assaulting two receptionists at his surgery. Acquitted of most serious allegations against the first receptionist (digital penetration and forced oral sex), but convicted of minor touching of the other complainant (hand on the top of her bottom and trying to kiss her). Sentenced to a community order. Successfully made representations to remove his name from the barred lists.

R v RL Led junior successfully defending a man accused of repeatedly raping and assaulting his wife over many years after forcing her to become a prostitute.

R v MC Successfully defended a firefighter accused of raping his ex-partner and the mother of his child. Case required detailed examination of telephone evidence of contact between the pair that the defence claimed was inconsistent with her allegations.

R v F Successfully defended as junior counsel a man accused of murdering his friend by pouring petrol over him and setting fire to him. Defence case was that the deceased had set alight to himself in front of the defendant who had then run away in fear.

Click here for News Report


R v WN Prosecuted a 79 year old defendant accused of gross negligence manslaughter due to his neglect of his wife in the day leading up to her death, in failing to ensure she had sufficient food and drink and failing to summon emergency medical assistance when he knew her life was in serious danger.

R v EW and others Defended a Care Home Manager prosecuted for breaches of health and safety following the death of a 93 year old resident with dementia, who had sustained first degree burns to her legs after being scalded in a bath. The company that ran the home pleaded guilty to corporate manslaughter. Ms West and the carer pleaded to breaching their duties in respect of the residents. Drafted a detailed Basis of Plea which was not challenged by the prosecution. Ms West received a short suspended sentence with no additional requirements. Tanya successfully drafted representations to the Disclosure Barring Service persuading them not to add the defendant to the barred lists in respect of working with vulnerable adults or children.

Click here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-berkshire-58817385 and

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-berkshire-58833652 and https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk- england-berkshire-58846451

R v MC Represented the director of a stunt company who pleaded guilty to H&S offences following the death of a stunt performer who died whilst acting as a “human cannonball” stuntman at a Kent County Showground. He suffered a fatal accident when a safety net intended to break his fall, collapsed. The director received a suspended sentence.

R v AT Representing England’s largest not-for-profit housing association and registered charity, at their sentencing hearing for H&S offences after a care home resident with dementia died after she set fire to her clothing when smoking unsupervised in her room late at night. Her care plan required any smoking to be supervised. Click here


Tanya is a member of the Criminal Bar Association, the Kent Bar Mess and the South Eastern Circuit. She is a past South Eastern Circuit junior.


Tanya Robinson was educated at Southampton University (LLB) and Rouen University. She obtained an LLB (European Legal Studies) Honours degree, having spent one year abroad studying French and European Law. She was called to the Bar by the Inner Temple in 1997 and was an Inner Temple Scholar in 1997.

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