Public rights of way webinar series

July 14, 2021

Six Pump Court Chambers will be presenting a series of three webinars on public rights of way.

The webinars will consider perennial and current legal issues arising in the creation, recording, modification, and maintenance of public rights of way.

The sessions will be presented by planning law specialists William Upton QC, Megan Thomas QC, Noémi Byrd and Mark Davies.

The webinars will be free to attend and more detail will be available nearer the time but a summary of each of the planned webinars is provided below:-

6th September 2021, 5pm: DMMO applications
The first webinar in our series is for new rights of way officers, and anyone who would like to refresh their knowledge of some of the basic (and some of the more challenging) issues relating to Definitive Map Modification Order applications, including: sufficiency of user evidence; historical evidence; unusual routes; widths and limitations. We will also look at the likely impact of s.53 CROWA.

NEW DATE 8th November 2021, 5pm: Diversion orders
Our second webinar will cover some of the trickier points relating to highway diversions under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Highways Act 1980, including: the correct application of the statutory tests for diversion; highways outside the ‘red line boundary’; pre-commencement planning conditions; limitations on diverted routes; unrecorded rights of way and planning permission.

DATE TBC: Highway creation, adoption, and extinguishment
Our third webinar will consider some of the issues which can arise when new highways are created in conjunction with new development, including : section 248 TCPA orders; highway adoption agreements; presumed dedication; maintenance; extinguishment orders and the public interest.


If you would like any further information in the meantime or would like to be added to the mailing list, please email