Giles Atkinson successfully challenges gypsy status of appellant
November 8, 2017
Given the breadth of the definition of ‘gypsies and travellers’ in the Government’s Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (PPTS), August 2015, it is rare that an appellant asserting gypsy status may successfully be challenged by the local planning authority.
In this enforcement case in Kent, however, this was achieved by drawing attention to the absence of any documentary evidence (invoices, receipts, advertising material etc) to substantiate the appellant’s account of his nomadic habit of life. In the absence of such material the Inspector found that the pattern of travel described by the appellant was more akin to somebody travelling for work in the ordinary way, in much the same way as a builder might travel to carry out contracts.
The judgment and further details can be found here PINS Ref: APP/E2205/C/15/3137477
An article on the case in Local Government Lawyer can be found here