Giles Atkinson Finds Success in Multiple Complex Planning Cases

August 16, 2023

Building exterior

Giles Atkinson has had a great couple of years in the planning industry, representing Local Authority in complicated matters. See below and on Giles’ profile for multiple notable cases within which Giles successfully advocated for his side.

  • Worsley Bridge Road planning Inquiry, decision 11th August 2023.  Giles represented the Council in successfully resisting an appeal against refusal of permission for 100 residential units on a disused sports pitch within the Bromley MOL.  PINS ref: 3315293
  • R (on the application of Ibrar) v Dacorum BC [2023] JPL 668 Represented the Council in a case finding that unless there were exceptional circumstances, an appeal to the High Court under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 s.289 against a planning inspector’s decision to refuse an appeal against an enforcement notice would be an adequate alternative remedy and it would not be appropriate to grant judicial review to parties who could have appealed under s.289. Extensions of time to proceed with s.289 were refused in respect of two recipients of enforcement notices.
  • R (on the application of Neophytou) v Enfield LBC [2022] JPL 1157 For the LB Enfield.  When challenging a local planning authority’s decision not to issue an enforcement notice, the question was not whether there had been a breach of planning control: it was whether there was a reviewable error in the decision not to enforce against any breaches that had occurred. In the instant case, the local authority was entitled to conclude that works done to the rear of a residential property did not impact on the neighbours’ amenity and that an enforcement notice would not be expedient.

If you wish to instruct Mr Atkinson on your own planning matters, feel free to call or email one of his clerks, listed below.

Contact us

Ryan Barrow

Ryan Barrow

First Junior Clerk
Michael Hearn

Michael Hearn

Second Junior Clerk