COP and post COP: Climate change law in and after Paris
January 5, 2016
On Thursday 21st January, Six Pump Court will host an event entitled ‘COP and post COP: Climate change law in and after Paris’. The meeting will offer a reflection on the outcomes of the recent international climate change summit that took place in Paris and will feature a distinguished group of experts who were present at the Paris Conference, including Six Pump Court barristers Stephen Hockman QC and Frances Lawson, and a distinguished group of experts from international environmental and energy organisations.
The event will be organised in collaboration with the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance and the London Centre for International Law Practice.
Click here to see the full programme
Six Pump Court has been following the COP climate change summit in a blog available on our website. Use the link here to view our International Climate Change Blog
For any enquiries about this event please contact