UKELA Conference 14 -18 June
June 18, 2021
On 14th -18th June the UKELA conference will take place and we are delighted to be one of the sponsors once again.
Members of Six Pump Court will be taking part and presenting some of the sessions:-
14th June – UKELA Water Working Party Panel session “Combined Sewer Overflows” (12.30-2pm)
Charles Morgan and Nicholas Ostrowski will be speaking at this session which will aim to explain what combined sewer overflows are and what all of the fuss is about.
15th June UKELA Breakfast Briefing – “Unplugged? The UK Energy Sector after Brexit and the impact of the TCA” (8.30-10am).
Stephen Hockman QC and Christopher Badger will be speaking at this session which aims to review the main current features of the energy sector, to consider how the sector will be impacted by the TCA, and to analyse how the UK will balance security of energy supply with the move towards net zero.
We hope you can join us and for more details on these and other sessions click here