Six Pump Court ranked Tier 1 in Environmental Law in Legal 500 (2016)
September 14, 2016
Six Pump Court is pleased to be ranked a Tier 1 set in Environmental Law and to be ranked as a set in five areas of law in the Legal 500 (2016) which was published today.
Overall, Six Pump Court’s barristers are now recommended in twelve areas of law in the Legal 500 (2016) overall with 60 individual recommendations. This year there were nine additional individual recommendations as well as existing set rankings which improved again, this time in Crime (Tier 3) and Environment (Tier 1).
The twelve areas of law members are recommended in are Administrative & Public Law, Consumer Law, Costs, Crime, Employment, Environment, Family, Health & Safety, Inquests & Inquiries, Licensing, Personal Injury and Planning – “There are no weak links at 6 Pump Court, which has real strength in depth”.
Also singled out for praise were our Clerks “The clerks never disappoint – they are utterly professional, engaging and proactive in the service they provide”.
Many thanks to our clients and colleagues for their kind words and assistance in the submissions process this time around.
Further details of the coverage and feedback are given below:-
Administrative and public law (including local government)
Mark Beard “Extremely pragmatic, forceful in court and easy to deal with”
David Travers QC “A very bright and charming man with a real strength in food-related consumer law”
Gordon Menzies “Recommended for complex cases”
Gordon Wignall “Recommended for group actions”
Ian Thomas “He has a wealth of knowledge and experience”
Lee Bennett “The go-to man for a technically difficult case that needs a pragmatic solution”
Mark Watson “Among the leading lights in this discipline; he is knowledgeable and tactically astute”
Gordon Wignall “A well-established practitioner”
Oliver Saxby QC “Charming and courteous with a steel core”
Richard Barraclough QC “His work includes challenging homicide cases”
Catherine Donnelly “She is an expert in the field of child sexual abuse”
John FitzGerald “His direct approach helps him fight cases that look hopeless”
John O’Higgins “An instinctive advocate and excellent cross-examiner”
Simon Taylor “Efficient, effective and liked by juries and judges”
Stephen Hockman QC “He has a wealth of experience in high-level, complicated environmental issues and never lets the client down”
David Travers QC “Recommended for defending against environmental regulators”
Roy Martin QC “Highly rated”
Mark Harris “He shows attention to detail and strong preparation coupled with persuasive advocacy”
William Upton “Highly intelligent – what really sets him apart is his ability to understand a problem from all angles”
David Hercock “A good lawyer with strong interpersonal skills”
Gordon Wignall “Very strong on strict liability pollution claims”
Mark Watson “He is a skilled advocate and his case preparation is fantastic”
Megan Thomas “Very experienced in conservation issues”
Richard Banwell “He has extensive prosecution experience and is able to come up with solutions to difficult problems”
Christopher Badger “Excellent on environmental work, especially waste crime and water pollution matters”
Family law (including divorce and financial remedy)
Jane Campbell “Very personable and always able to put clients at ease”
Health and safety
Stephen Hockman QC “Extremely capable and client friendly”
David Travers QC “A class act, who is tactically brilliant and easy to use; clients love him and opponents fear him”
Pascal Bates “A fierce opponent, who you do not want to be against”
Mark Harris “He combines pragmatism, a great eye for detail and tenacity with great client care skills”
Mark Watson “He brings great balance to a case”
Lee Bennett “He has a great tactical sense and extremely good judgment”
David Hercock “He has an immense grasp on the technical detail”
Emmaline Lambert “Impressive in her dedication to clients facing exceptional difficulties”
Gordon Menzies “He quickly gets to grips with the technical aspects of a case”
Inquests and inquiries
David Travers QC “Fantastic at setting out the client’s position to the court in the most sensitive way possible”
Mark Watson “He has the great skill of managing to look after his clients”
Stuart Jessop “He is exceptionally personable and garners the trust of his clients”
Personal injury
Nicholas Baldock “He is not afraid to roll his sleeves up and muck in”
Roy Martin QC “He has the ability to obtain the ear and earn the trust of the court”
Anne Williams “She is able to put pertinent questions across during cross-examination in a polite, firm but non-aggressive way”
Mark Beard “Recommended for representing developers and local planning authorities”
William Upton “He is very measured, gets on very well with clients and explains things clearly”
Edward Grant “Recommended for planning inquiries”
Megan Thomas “An expert on planning appeals”
Richard Banwell “Comes up with solutions to difficult issues”
Emmaline Lambert “Experienced in planning permission matters where noise pollution is an issue”
South Eastern Circuit – Crime
Oliver Saxby QC “An excellent jury advocate”
Richard Barraclough QC “Highly recommended for serious sex trafficking and homicide cases”
Catherine Donnelly “An impressive advocate with extensive and detailed knowledge of criminal law”
John O’Higgins “He fights doggedly for the lay client and is an expert in unlawful killing and serious violence”
Peter Alcock “Great with complex cases and very calming with clients”
Simon Taylor “Experienced acting as lead counsel in homicide and serious sexual offences cases”
South Eastern Circuit – Employment
Gordon Menzies “A tenacious advocate, who provides practical advice”
Grace Cullen “She provides excellent client care”
South Eastern Circuit – Family and children law
Caroline Topping “She provides excellent client care skills”
Grant Armstrong “An eye for the unusual and always willing to immerse himself in the finer details of a case”
Jane Campbell “She handles cases with sensitivity but resilience – an excellent advocate“