Practical Planning Issues Deriving from EU Directives (EIA, SEA and Habitats): A Seminar
November 17, 2015
Six Pump Court presents the fourth in our series of environmental law seminars to be held this year:
Practical Planning Issues Deriving from EU Directives (EIA, SEA and Habitats): recurring questions, the role of EU law, the HRA and the Charter of Fundamental Rights
Speakers: William Upton, Professor Jane Holder, Mark Beard, Emmaline Lambert
This seminar will examine the practical planning issues that derive from EU Directives including the EIA, SEA and Habitats Directives. The seminar will cover the recurring questions that arise, including the role of EU law and human rights.
Topics covered will include:
- Has the Habitats Directive aided decision making? Just what is appropriate about an Appropriate Assessment following R (Champion) v North Norfolk DC [2015] UKSC? Just when does mitigation have to be shown to be workable ?
- Why are the EIA and SEA legal tests still catching developments out? Or has the high-water mark been reached on Environmental Assessment, and are the UK courts in retreat? What are the reasonable alternatives to be considered, and are cumulative effects to be implied?
- EIA and agriculture – are there yet more unresolved issues to be addressed in terms of the meaning of significance, cumulative impacts and vulnerability?
- The Human Rights Act and the Charter of Fundamental Rights: are there more human rights points to come? Or has the Act bedded in, despite the current political intention to reduce its scope?
- Costs controls – is the government limited by its Aarhus commitments? Is access to justice an irreducible minimum? Does it apply only to judicial review, and not statutory review? Or private nuisance as well? Is judicial review holding back development?
A flyer for the seminar is available here
Date/Venue: Wednesday 9th December 2015, 4-6 p.m. (tea and coffee available from 3.45 pm) at 6 Pump Court Chambers. To be followed by a drinks reception.
Contact: Bridget Tough 020 7797 8456
Cost: £25 per person, with second and subsequent bookings from your firm/organisation charged at a reduced rate of £15 per person.
This event is the final in a series of four environmental seminars held by Six Pump Court during Sept-Dec 2015. Full details here
Six Pump Court – Winner – Real Estate, Environment & Planning Set of the Year
Legal 500 UK Bar Awards 2015