Post Office appeals – Oliver Saxby QC and Ben Irwin for the appellant Carl Page
April 23, 2021
The Court of Appeal today allowed the appeals against conviction brought by a number of sub-postmasters on both abuse of process limbs, ‘fair trial impossible’ and ‘affront to public conscience to prosecute’. In Carl Page’s case, the Post Office conceded the former but contested the latter. Further to submissions made on his behalf, the Court of Appeal rejected the Post Office’s position and instead found in Mr Page’s favour.
The judgment is available here. Paragraphs 105 and 106 summarise the arguments put forward on Mr Page’s behalf, and paragraphs 277 to 285 comprise the Court’s findings.
A summary of the judgment is also available here.
Oliver Saxby QC and Ben Irwin were instructed by Michelle Pibworth of Gullands Solicitors, Maidstone.
Links to news coverage of today’s judgment are below:-