New website on the Law of Environmental Permitting and Enforcement
April 20, 2016
Gordon Wignall of 6 Pump Court has set up a new website and legal resource for clients facing the prospect of regulatory enforcement or civil claims. It provides practical information and news about environmental permitting, pollution prevention and control, together with guidance and assistance for waste, recycling and other industries.
The site, called ‘Environmental Waste Permit Lawyers’ (EWPL), also provides a range of information about other permitting and waste-related matters such as permitting ‘competency’ and court actions in private nuisance (including fire and flooding).
The website as been set up jointly with Yogesh Patel of Edward Hayes LLP, who shares an interest in the area. It will draw on the outstandingly wide experience of enforcement and environmental law practiced by members of chambers at 6 Pump Court, as well as on a wide range of other sources.
To view the site click here and to visit Gordon’s environmental c.v. click here. The site can be reached through different legal resource pages such as Delia Venables Legal Resources for Lawyers A to Z