Important Green Belt Ruling

April 26, 2016

Megan Thomas has successfully represented Epping Forest District Council in the High Court and Court of Appeal against a challenge to a grant of planning permission for a very large horticultural glasshouse in the Green Belt.  The Court of Appeal has ruled that agricultural buildings are appropriate development in the Green Belt and in those circumstances there is no requirement for a decision maker to also take into account the loss of openness to the Green Belt caused by the agricultural building or the extent to which it conflicts with the purposes of the Green Belt.

The point is a novel one and has not been judicially considered previously.  It will have implications for proposed development which is judged to be appropriate in the Green Belt.

The judgment is available here – R (on the application of Lee Valley Regional Park Authority) v. Epping Forest District Council and Valley Grown Nurseries [2016] EWCA Civ 404

Contact Megan for more details on