Council without an Objectively Assessed Need wins

March 19, 2015

A development of up to 210 houses has been refused on appeal in West Berkshire, even though the Council’s plan is not based on an objectively-assessed housing need. William Upton represented the Council at the appeal, following on from his earlier work on their Core Strategy in 2012.

The Inspector in his 17 March 2015 decision considered that the assessments involved in the appeal at Mans Hill, Burghfield Common had been somewhat unusual, in view of the exceptional circumstances in which the adoption of the Council’s Core Strategy took place.
He was satisfied that the Council was following the correct, plan-led approach to resolve this matter. With this in mind he concluded that approval of the appeal proposal would undermine the plan-making process by predetermining decisions about the scale and location of new development. In any event, he also concluded that it would not amount to sustainable development in the terms set out in the NPPF.

To view the Inspector’s Decision click here