Continuity of Service – Update
March 19, 2020
Functioning of Chambers
Chambers remains fully functional and is operating in accordance with Government Regulation and Guidance.
Members of Chambers continue to practise to the fullest extent possible.
Many in-person hearings continue to be undertaken by members as and when permitted.
In addition, all members are familiar with the principal platforms for remote working and enjoy access to comprehensive online resources.
Making Contact with Chambers
Chambers’ Clerks can be contacted:
(1) on the main Chambers’ number 020 797 8400;
(2) on their individual direct dial numbers, which can be found here;
(3) by e-mail at their usual addresses.
Individual members remain available to be contacted as always to discuss both ongoing cases and informal enquiries. They can be reached:
(1) via the Clerks;
(2) by e-mail at their usual addresses;
(3) on their individual numbers where provided.
The office will be open between Monday and Friday during normal opening hours.
Where necessary we can receive instructions via a secure file transfer link by ShareFile, Dropbox or other similar methods.
Payment of Fees
Please wherever possible use BACS instead of cheques for payment of fees.