Taking Stock: The State of Food Law and Policy in Canada
October 30, 2017
David Travers QC has been invited to present at the second national conference on Food Law and Policy in Canada, entitled Taking Stock: The State of Food Law and Policy in Canada which will be hosted by the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law and take place between the 2nd and 4th November 2017. The conference provides an important opportunity to reflect on the current state of food laws and policies in Canada and strategize about how to improve them.
David Travers QC will be speaking in a session on Food Fraud with a paper entitled: Trust But Verify: Global Food Security: Protecting Global Trade and the Domestic Consumer in the Food Sector. In this session he will build on some of the themes touched upon when speaking in Belo Horizonte, Brazil earlier in the year about the Carne Fraca episode and its impact on global trade and consumer confidence.
Other speakers in the Food Fraud session are Jean Luc Couture of Therrien Couture, Rich Butler of Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP and Amélie T. Gouin of Borden Ladner Gervais.
For more information click here