Remitted Joint Core Strategy still found to be sound
October 4, 2014
The Inspector’s Report has been published recommending the adoption of the remitted parts of the Joint Core Strategy for the Greater Norwich area. This deals with the parts of the JCS that were remitted for reconsideration following the judgment of the High Court in Heard v Broadland DC and others [2012] Env. L.R. 23. William Upton has been assisting the local planning authorities during its preparation and examination stages.
The amended Joint Core Strategy for Broadland District Council, Norwich City Council and South Norfolk Council was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination on Monday 4 February 2013. Further details can be found on the Greater Norwich Development Partnership website.
Despite the limited remit of the plan, the plan still had to satisfy the latest NPPF requirements, including viability and the five-year housing land supply. Importantly, the Inspector accepted that the ‘Liverpool’ method, to assess the housing land supply across the plan period, and not the ‘Sedgefield’ approach, was appropriate in these circumstances.