Anne Williams represents London Borough in a National Planning Policy test case
December 3, 2018
Anne Williams appeared at a planning inquiry in October 2018 on behalf of the London Borough of Islington appealing against a refusal of planning permission for a key residential development in Tollington Park.
This was the first case in this authority to test the new advice on design and viability methodology in the Government’s National Planning Policy published in July 2018. The main issues of the case were the effects on the local conservation area, the effect on existing and future occupiers within the development, and the availability of affordable housing.
The Inspector dismissed the appeal and concluded that the Council’s controversial affordable housing policy requiring the provision of affordable housing in residential schemes of less than 10 units should be supported. He also noted that the advice in paragraph 41 NPPF2 which emphasises the importance of pre-application engagement had not been followed and no reasons given. He supported the standards on privacy, outlook and amenity space in the light of the advice set out in paragraph 127 NPPF2 which stresses the need for a high standard of amenity. He found that the provision of ‘fritted glass’ -a new technology and proprietary approach put forward by the Appellants to provide high levels of privacy in an urban environment did not overcome the ‘poor design’ of the scheme.
To view the Inspector’s Decision click here.